To download
In this section you will find a collection of all materials with information about products available on our website. Downloadable color cards, technical cards and certificates.
Materials to download: Sewing threads
Products: All kinds of sewing threads.
Color cards, certificates and technical cards.
Below You will find a subpage with all the materials available for download regarding our sewing threads.
Materials to download: Zippers
Products: Metal zippers, spiral zippers, ankle zippers, zipper straps and bolts.
Color cards and certificates.
At this link you will find a subpage with all the materials available for download regarding our zippers.
Materials to download: Trimmings
Products: Velcro, Velcro with adhesive, Special Velcro.
Color cards, certificates and technical cards.
At this link you will find a subpage with all the materials available for download regarding our Velcro tapes.
Materials to download: Trimmings
Products: Trimmings, press trimmings, insets.
Color cards, certificates and technical cards.
At this link you will find a subpage with all the materials available for download regarding our trimmings.